Beyond The Binge
Why do we binge? How can we gain freedom from it? What is life like beyond binging? One step closer to phenomenal mental, physical and emotional health with Mo Rezk, Binge Eating Recovery Dietitian & Behavioural Change Specialist.
Beyond The Binge
Why Do I Binge Eat?
Mo Rezk
In this episode I discuss the top question people who suffer from binge eating have: "Why do I binge eat?"
This question alone indicates that there is a lack of control of what and how much you put in your body. I want you to know that it is ok. Millions of people struggle with the same problem.
Discovering why you binge eat is one of the most important steps in overcoming binging, in this episode I discuss how to get you started on finding out why you binge eat.
Binge eating personality quiz.
Binge eating support group.