Beyond The Binge
Why do we binge? How can we gain freedom from it? What is life like beyond binging? One step closer to phenomenal mental, physical and emotional health with Mo Rezk, Binge Eating Recovery Dietitian & Behavioural Change Specialist.
11 episodes
Why Do I Keep Relapsing With Binging & Other Self-Sabotaging Behaviours?
In this episode we take a look at why we keep falling into the same cycle over and over. Binge for a while, stop binging through willpower, relapse again, stop again etc. What drives binge eating as a behaviour in our life? Why can...

Emma's Story: Redefining What Healthy Looks Like
Emma's story is all about perspective switching and discovering the value of freedom from binge eating. From struggling with binging as a trainer to working on becoming a binge eating recovery coach, Emma's story reminds us that our suffering a...

The 4 Different Types Of Binge Eating
After years of working on this concept, I'm finally ready to reveal the 4 different types of binge eating. All binge eating behaviours fall underneath one of these types. In this episode I share the 4 different types and the challenges they fac...

The only way to stop binging for good (start here if you failed a lot)
If you've been struggling with binge eating for a while and you tried every diet under the sun, then this episode will help you understand the root causes of binge eating and how to stop binging once and for all.

Brittany's Story: Freedom After 15 Years
Brittany started struggling with binge eating at the age of 17. She tried many different programs and strategies (diet programs, hypnosis, etc) until she discovered that the solution to overcoming binge eating lies within her ability to underst...

How Do I Know What A Binge Is? How Do I Gain Freedom?
In this episode we discuss how to identify a binge using the sandwich technique (no pun intended). We also discuss how to start gaining freedom from binge eating by facing it as opposed to running away and hiding from it.

Natalie's Story: From Dancing To Rebelling To Freedom
Sports is an amazing thing to be involved in from a young age, but sometimes even the best ideas introduce the biggest monsters in our life. Natalie was a dancer since the age of 3, unfortunately too much emphasis on a certain physique co...

Nancy's Story: Freedom After 55+ Years
Nancy's story is beyond inspiring, she had tried so many diets in the past and lost up to 70 lbs. When the weight started creeping up again she realized that this was no longer a nutrition only problem. That's when she reached out and learned h...

Aisha's Story: "If I Can Make It Here, I Can Make It Anywhere"
Aisha's story is one of the most inspirational I have ever heard. She went from low point to lower but still persisted and didn't give up, she took her lowest point and used it to learn more about herself and gain freedom from food.